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Owen Sound is in the POWER House !!! We got that POWER!! 84+ families 200+ basketball fans!! You guys rock!! Keep talking and let’s get the elite basketball infrastructure built here in the #thetruenorth #powerbasketball #wegotpower #bluewaterdistrict #brucecounty #huron #owensound #portelgin #southempton #Kincardine #Kincardinepowerbasketball #radioactive #teslas #phantom (at Davidson Centre)

To the basketball phantom.DONT WORRY. We will replace it. Hope no-one got hurt. Someone really got excited about Kincardine Power Basketball… We are happy to see excitement, but hey dunking takes practice and time … Just not on the Jr. NBA rims. JOIN KINCARDINE POWER BASKETBALL AND WE WILL GET YOU THERE ON THE REAL RIMS. #tooexcited #wegotthatpower (at Davidson Centre)

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